Black&Gold FanzineARCHIVE
An older Gladnis FanzineThis project was ended 24th of September 2021

Donation to Sands UK
We are very happy today to have made a donation of £1590.45 to Sands UK.Thank you mods team, it’s been a long hard and rewarding project, but you all did an awesome job. I couldn’t continue this project without any of you.Thank you artists for your beautiful and mesmerizing pieces. You all made this fanzine something to gawk at for hours.Thank you writers for those wonderful and heartwarming stories. This is what we all need in these difficult times.To all our buyers for trusting us and for all the incredibly positive feedback you gave us. We cannot be happier to hear that you all loved the fanzine.Thank you for your unconditional support for such a painful and delicate cause that carries such a great burden and social taboo. Very little is said about the loneliness and pain that suffers the parents who have lost a baby in the womb or just a few hours or weeks after birth. These parents also need emotional support, being heard, and feel that they are not alone in this.During the whole project, I had a few people asking why I chose this charity in particular. I started this project from my gut as a mother who almost lost her son during and after childbirth. During those difficult weeks, all kinds of scenarios appeared in my head. My biggest fear was not finding him in his incubator. We spent the whole day with him, we were afraid to go home and get some rest in case we didn't see him again. Fortunately, he decided to stay with us.
My nephews Eric and Daniela didn't have the chance to survive and we still don’t know what happened or what caused their death. It was at that moment when I saw how much this help is needed. I can empathize a lot with those parents who didn’t have the chance to hold their children and take them home.Maybe your contribution helps those parents to grieve in peace and hold a healthy memory of their shooting star baby. Maybe it helps to investigate what causes are involved in this unfair situation and provides more healthcare help for keeping babies to stay in the arms of their parents instead of joining the stars of the sky.Without any of you, this could not have been possible.From the bottom of my heart, thank you.Mod: Silentscream
You can find our works here in the following links
Were open from the 30th of April 2021 until the 30th of May.Leftover sales were available from the 16th of August until the 23rd.https://blackandgoldfanzine.bigcartel.com/
BlAck&Gold Fanzine
This project will focus on post-game takes on the Gladnis relationship following the two different endings: Verse 1 (Main game ending) and Verse 2 (Ep. Ignis alternative ending).The zine will be printed with two different covers and split halfway into two sections. One section will contain art and fanfiction for Verse 1, and the other will contain art and fanfiction for Verse 2. You will need to flip and turn around your fanzine to read both parts.We are aware that this may be a challenge, as applicants may be more fond of one ending, but we hope you all understand that we will need people to cover both parts. We hope to make it as equal as possible, so you may be asked to change your preferred option in the future.We will all be chatting and discussing this fanzine via Discord, so please make sure you have an account before you apply. Your Discord username and number will be required on the application form (linked in our contact box).This is a charity-based project. All the proceeds will be used to cover production costs and donated to Sands UK: Stillbirth and neonatal birth charity: http://www.sands.org.uk/
Meet the team!
For Candidates
The motif in this project is the relationship between Gladiolus and Ignis from Final Fantasy XV in their older versions (33 and 32 years respectively) onwards. We are looking to create a compilation of their lives after the ending of the FFXV main game. You are free to choose from which ending you want to start your piece:Verse 1: Canon ending of the game
Verse 2: Alternative ending on EP. IgnisWe won't be accepting pieces that merge Verse 1 and Verse 2 as it won't fit within the planned layout for this fanzine as explained in the “Rules and Guidance” document linked below in our contact box. Contributors can apply for both divisions, but you'll be just given one depending on demand. We will try to allocate applicants that choose one of the options first and try to give them their preferred option as much as we can.Preferably, the splitting central part will be a double-page illustration, but this needs to be discussed with the artist in charge of this matter once everyone applied and we selected the contributors.We are just accepting new pieces for this publication. Art needs to be created specifically for this fanzine, same as cosplayers needing to create a new environment for their photos, etc. Writers will be asked to submit a fresh new one-shot piece with its very own and original beginning, development, and ending. All the contributors need to follow: Canon Compliance with the only difference that Gladiolus and Ignis will be in a romantic relationship. We will be celebrating and enjoying the Gladio and Ignis relationship in their later years. No threesomes or any kind of poly relationships will be allowed for this specific publication.We want to challenge you to create a new piece. We understand that this may not be what you had in mind, but who doesn’t like a new challenge?Any “First chapter of a series” a writer might be planning to do or already had, or trying to change what the main game canon follows, will be automatically rejected. If a contributor is resistant to coming up with a new idea that follows the rules of this publication, they will be removed from the Fanzine with no further explanation.If the mods find that a person is presenting old art or an already written fanfic, this person will be out and their piece rejected immediately and their creator banned.All art, fanfics, cosplay, photos, etc. will belong to its creator once all Fanzines are sold. This means you can keep working on writing your story created for this project, make prints of your art/cosplay, etc.You’ll be free to use it however you wish; it is your creation after all.We are also thinking about a NSFW digital add on rated “Mature.” We will not be accepting explicit content for the NSFW, such as description or art of genitalia, close- ups, etc. Keep it sensual, tasteful, and non-explicit.This extension will be voted once we have selected all the candidates. We will be opening applications for the NSFW extension within the contributors. There’s no pressure to apply for it once you’re part of the team - you can work on your main piece exclusively or you can apply for the NSFW extension. If we can’t cover all the spaces, we will be opening a quick application for new artists and writers.
(Updated 08/01/2021)Artists:2nd Deadline: February 23th 2021 Started Lineart - Colour
Final Piece 31st March 2021Writers:
2nd Deadline: February 23th 2021: 1300 words or 2/3 of your piece written
Final Piece 31st March 2021The final piece for the main Fanzine for page artists, spread artist and writers 31st March 2021Merch Artists:
1st Deadline: February 23th 2021
Final piece 21st March 2021Cover Artist: To be contacted!NSFW Add on Deadlines:
1st March 2021 - First Deadline
30th April 2021 - Final PiecePreordersOpen Preorders: 31st March 2021 (Fanon Gladnis wedding anniversary)
Closing Preorders: 30th April 2021These dates are just estimates - We are already aware that some delays might happen due to potential deadlines extensions, production (due to the current Worldwide situation)We will be posting all our updates and process on social media and in the "updates"tab on ous shop.Thank you!